A Message from our CEO, Greg Davis: "Most network providers hide outage info from you, causing confusion and frustration. They all have issues, but don't inform you about them proactively. We instead have a culture of honesty and transparency, so on this public status page you'll find both real-time and historical info about outages or performance problems affecting our service. I hope this level of transparency gives you comfort that we're a partner with you, fighting hard to give you the best possible experience."
How to interpret the info below:
• As a Bigleaf customer, your service experience is generally tied to the performance of the primary gateway cluster for each of your site(s).
• Our software automatically moves your traffic to the secondary gateway cluster for your site(s) if the primary is offline.
• Your network traffic is not affected by any performance issues with the Web App Dashboard, it's solely used for administrative functions and alerting.